Japanese Symbols / Kanji Symbols (Characters)
Karma-Net Cultural Series

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Japanese Symbols


We would like to thank everyone who wrote to us in the last few weeks. We're glad to hear that you are enjoying the Kanji lessons. If you have any questions or any particular symbols you would like to learn, please let us know.

This week's lesson goes back to basics.

japanese symbols

Some of you are new to Japanese language, and wanted to learn the basic rules. Here is your chance. Today, I wanted to talk a little about the strokes. The general rule is to write from left to right, and from top to bottom. When the symbol contains both horizontal and vertical lines, it gets a little more complicated. But as a beginner, this is a good general rule to know. For example, numbers, one, two and three are simply horizontal lines.

As you can see, one line is number "one," two lines are number "two," and three lines are number "three." Start your strokes from left to right, and draw each lines from top to bottom. Notice the different length of each strokes. Unfortunately, all the numbers above three are not simply lines, but you can learn this later. Also, a good example of vertical lines is the symbol for river. Three vertical lines represent the picture of water flowing in the river. When you are writing this symbol, you start from the left, and move on to the right. Make sure to pay attention to the details of the length of each line, and direction of the first line.

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