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Metaphysics (Greek words meta=after/beyond and physics=nature) is a branch of philosophy, and related to the natural sciences, like physics, psychology and the biology of the brain; and also to, mysticism religion, and other spiritual subjects. It is notoriously difficult to define, but for purposes of briefly introducing it, it can be identified as the study of any of the most fundamental concepts and beliefs about the basic nature of reality, on which many other concepts and beliefs rest—concepts such as being, existence, universal, property, relation, causation, space, time, event, and many others.


The study of metaphysics explores the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and the relationship between the physical and non-physical aspects of the world. It deals with abstract concepts beyond the realm of empirical observation and seeks to understand the underlying principles and truths that govern the universe.

Metaphysics encompasses a wide range of philosophical and speculative inquiries, addressing questions such as the nature of being, the existence of God or higher powers, the nature of consciousness, the concept of time, causality, free will, and the nature of mind and matter.

At its core, metaphysics seeks to understand the nature of reality and the fundamental aspects that underlie it. It delves into questions like "What is real?" and "What is the ultimate nature of existence?" These questions often go beyond what can be answered through scientific methods or empirical observations alone, as they touch upon aspects of reality that may transcend the physical world.

Metaphysics also explores concepts such as universals and particulars, substance and attributes, essence and existence, and the nature of reality itself. It delves into the nature of identity and the relationship between mind and body, exploring whether they are separate entities or interconnected aspects of a unified whole.

Throughout history, many different philosophical schools of thought and thinkers have contributed to the study of metaphysics. These include ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, who discussed topics such as forms and causes, and modern thinkers like René Descartes, Immanuel Kant, and Friedrich Nietzsche, who explored questions of perception, knowledge, and the nature of reality.

Metaphysics is not limited to philosophy alone. It can also be found in various spiritual and mystical traditions, where it seeks to understand the nature of existence, the soul, and the transcendent aspects of reality. Metaphysical teachings can be found in religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism, as well as in esoteric traditions and New Age philosophies.

Studying metaphysics often involves careful philosophical analysis, critical thinking, and contemplation of abstract concepts. It is an ongoing exploration of the nature of reality and our place within it. While it may not provide concrete answers to all questions, it offers a framework for contemplating and understanding the deeper aspects of existence beyond the boundaries of empirical observation.

For College Study in Metaphjysics, visit:

International College of Metaphysical Theology



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